Isnin, 15 Mac 2010

In university and instituts, learn communication help to be operationnel when you'll be called for a job. your boss will see and guess if you're ok to it, if you can speak correctly to others persons because in a job, there are more situations that you must be calm and can be understand the others one. so, I think, must learn it.

Ahad, 14 Mac 2010


Global warming is bad condition in the world. It is a completely natural and out of our hands to control. It is important to human be aware in this condition. This condition very serious not only to human it include all living thing in the world. Because of that we must to prevent the global warming such as decrease the gasses in the natural greenhouse,carbon dioxide from burning fossil fuels,car sharing. Now we must find ways to stop the global warming such as choose the alternative transportation. Driving less by biking and walking improves our health and the fuel used to harvest and transport mass produced goods are reduced.Global warming give big impact for living things such as, the thickness of the ozon layer, the ice at north pole are melt from day to day.